Have you ever tried writing down your thoughts and goals in your journal? Well, I love doing that and I do that mostly every new year. It sets my mind with my yearly goals and gives me direction. But one thing I noticed with this practice was, it has the magic of attracting the things I wanted …
Instagram Sunday #57
My week was full of creative workshops for kids. Most of my feed on instagram was more about the workshops. You can follow me at @iam_instagram for more crafty photos. {1} That’s me explaining how to assemble the hot air balloon mobile craft. That’s last Saturday with the mommies and their kids for the breastfeeding fund …
Friday Morning
If there’s one thing I love about Davao it’s gonna be how accessible the places are. You can just go to the beach anytime you like. Have breakfast and go back home by lunch. That’s what my boyfriend and I did today. We thought of spending the morning on the beach. We went to Paradise …
Choosing Between Plain and Dot Grid Notebook
I take my notebooks seriously. No matter where I go, I bring it with me. That’s why choosing the right kind of notebook is important for me. For some reason, I’m always a fan of Muji. They make their look brand-less yet that’s the beauty of it, you can play with it making as if it’s …
Instagram Sunday #56
I realized how my recent posts were more of events and happenings. As a matter of fact, I have more events waiting to be post, haha. Just too lazy to choose which photo and to edit them. But I’ll try to share one of the projects that we just finished or perhaps a glimpse of what we’re …
Google Business Day Davao
Seriously, for the past few weekends I’ve been busy attending either my own workshops or events. But few Saturdays ago, I had a very inspiring day. I indulged myself with the business side this time. I attended Google Business Day and I was indeed reminded why I was in the business world and why I chose to be my …
Etsy Party in Davao
It’s really nice to know that Etsy is already quite known here in Davao. But what’s more nice is… Etsy Party is also happening here. Yes! You heard me right! No more drooling over photos of etsy party from other countries because we’re having an etsy party!!! Woohoo! And that’s not all… it’s going to be in …
Instagram Sunday #56 and Happy Mother’s Day
I get to practice lettering and typography this week. I also learned how to make homemade burgers. I try to learn new things in simple ways lately. However, it gives me anxiety having so much ideas in mind, specially at night. I can’t sleep well anymore thinking of so many great creative ideas. Do you …
Craft Night: Making Crafty Notes
I had my very first craft night! And boy I was a bit nervous days before that. Sure, I have done other workshops before, but this time I’m with adults. So one Friday night, just in time before Valentine we made crafty notes. What is it exactly? Well, it’s like a card yet it has more pages, pockets …
DIY: Pop Up Balloon Birthday Card
If you have someone special celebrating their birthday soon and you don’t know what to give them, why not try a different gift this year and make a handmade one just like my friend, Chef Pat, where he gave this birthday card for Chiche. I’ll show how easy this DIY birthday card is… Pop Up Balloon Materials • White …
Instagram Sunday #55
It was a pretty much fun week for me. Especially this weekend. I was productive during weekdays and when Saturday came I had 3 fun events that I was able to checked from my list. {1} If you’ve been following me on instagram, I did my very first attempt on photo shoot styling for Mia… and now …
Sunday Crafting and a Love Story
It was days before Valentine’s day when a friend of mine, Chiche texted me and asked me if I could help her make a card for her boyfriend. And boy, I was so happy when I read that. For a reason that I get to have craft buddy even just for a day. So it was …
Women Techmakers
Last Saturday I was invited to talk about graphic design for a Women Techmakers event. When I got a message from Ria, I couldn’t say no. For a fact that I feel honoured to be invited and would love to share what I have learned. Plus, call me sexist, but I am pro women empowerment. So …
DIY Bingo Crafts {Art Inspired by the Game}
Bingo was one of the few social games that was able to transition well into the internet age. This was made possible because bingo’s primary audience are players between the ages of 26-35, according to a poll conducted by Bingo Hideout. Here in the Philippines, we love to repurpose things in order to reduce waste. So when you …
Instagram Sunday #54
A lot of people I know also celebrated their birthdays this month. I wasn’t as busy in the studio this week, but I got preoccupied with some birthday parties and preparing for the kids workshop. {1} Okay, I got a little obsessed with my new bedding. Mama and I did a little shopping in the …