DIY Bingo Crafts {Art Inspired by the Game}


Bingo was one of the few social games that was able to transition well into the internet age. This was made possible because bingo’s primary audience are players between the ages of 26-35, according to a poll conducted by Bingo Hideout. Here in the Philippines, we love to repurpose things in order to reduce waste. So when you have a stockpile of old bingo materials and crafty hands that love to create, here are some of the things you can do: 

Bingo Disc Magnets

The way we draw bingo numbers are a little different elsewhere. In the US and UK, they use bingo balls but here, we have bingo discs that resembles the round pills you take when you have a fever. This is why this bingo discs can be repurposed as magnets you can use on your fridge to post pictures, messages or even that whacky family photo you took last holiday.

Bingo Card Notebook

The bingo cards here are tougher and thicker as it’s usually made of cardboard materials. You can combine 20 sheets of paper or cast off paper from your old spiral notebooks and use the bingo cards as cover, designed with washi tapes. If your bingo card is significantly bigger than the leaves, you can burn off the edges to give it that Victorian steampunk look before you stick the washi tapes. 

Wine Charm

Pinch a copper wire on the upper and lower side of the bingo disc. This will hold the ribbon or other embellishments like beads that you’d like to add as charms.

Bingo Disk Calendar Marker

Simply print your choice of free printable 2014 calendars and use the bingo disk as markers for those important dates.

Weebly calls bingo the cheapest form of relaxation and it can be very rewarding if you combine it with your crafting hobby. CH Gypsy, a chat host for FoxyBingo on Facebook and Twitter, has converted their extra room into her very own craft room where she makes cards. The FoxyBingo team won Bingoport’s Best Chat Host last year – proof that happy workers are productive workers. So if you have bingo craft ideas you’d like to share, please write something in our comments section!

Can you imagine, this one classic bingo game can create other different craft ideas. These are only few of the simple DIY projects you can make with it. Whether you want it as a theme for parties or a functional art in your home, I’m sure you’ll have fun making them. Happy crafting friends.


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