Instagram Sunday #57

Instagram Sunday

My week was full of creative workshops for kids. Most of my feed on instagram was more about the workshops. You can follow me at @iam_instagram for more crafty photos. {1} That’s me explaining how to assemble the hot air balloon mobile craft. That’s last Saturday with the mommies and their kids for the breastfeeding fund …

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Instagram Sunday #56

Instagram Sunday

I realized how my recent posts were more of events and happenings. As a matter of fact, I have more events waiting to be post, haha. Just too lazy to choose which photo and to edit them. But I’ll try to share one of the projects that we just finished or perhaps a glimpse of what we’re …

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Etsy Party in Davao

Crafting + Workshop

It’s really nice to know that Etsy is already quite known here in Davao. But what’s more nice is… Etsy Party is also happening here. Yes! You heard me right! No more drooling over photos of etsy party from other countries because we’re having an etsy party!!! Woohoo! And that’s not all… it’s going to be in …

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DIY: Pop Up Balloon Birthday Card


If you have someone special celebrating their birthday soon and you don’t know what to give them, why not try a different gift this year and make a handmade one just like my friend, Chef Pat, where he gave this birthday card for Chiche. I’ll show how easy this DIY birthday card is… Pop Up Balloon Materials • White …

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