365 Doodle Project: Hand Lettering Quotes

Admittedly and embarrassingly, my 365 doodles was not fully updated. But, I’m still doing it, and will definitely finish it this year. My February though was a total fail, I’m not gonna deny it. I attempted an idea of trying out new material like colored pencils but I didn’t like it so I’m making another series for …


I’m on a sabbatical leave

Forgive my lack of blogging and for not updating my creative projects. To be honest, I’m quite unproductive the whole February. My brain just seriously froze or didn’t function at all. You may call it creative block or I just lost my mojo. Slowly though, I’m getting back to my rhythm. But it’s moving in …


Paint With Me: Silhouette | I Found My Word For 2020

Wow! It’s been a while since I shared a painting process. Two years ago to be exact. Yup! I’m a lousy blogger and a very bad painter. Because yes, it’s been this long since I truly went back on painting. I’m crossing fingers that I’m seriously back for good this time. Well, I’ve kind of …
