Instagram Sunday #67

Instagram Sunday

I’m bringing back instagram sunday again. For one, because I am very much active on @iam_artisan instagram {it’s a source of good vibes for me}. Second, because I read some blog posts today that talks more about their personal matters and it reminded me that those are the reasons why I keep coming back to their blogs. Because I love reading about their life, whereabouts or anything that’s personal. And instagram sunday is where I talk more about what happened to me the entire week and maybe for you to know me better.

It’s still the first quarter of January, yet I think, my planner is already full by the end of this month. I’m not complaining though. I remember how I used to be this busy few years ago. And honestly, I come to accept that I love the feeling of being busy. I just need to balance it now compared the last time.

Last week, been doing a lot of pen work. From pencil, ballpen, brush pen and dip pen. I have few workshops happening this month so I’m preparing myself by practicing. So here’s a little summary of my messy week.

{1}  I practiced dip pen again and it took me 3 long hours, consumed half of my pad, spilled my ink, stained my fingers, spelled some words incorrectly and after that, I cannot feel my hand anymore. But… it was a good practice though. I suggest if you want to practice as well, just do it an hour everyday instead of what I did.

{2} Wacky had a gig last night in Time in Manila. And I know how important it was for him because his spinning trance music. So I posted this photo for him. Then he reposted with a sweet caption. Yes, last night was something for him and for me as well.

{3} Since I’ve been holding a lot of pens, I truly miss holding a paper and turned it into paper flowers. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to make one this week though.

{4} I’m redesigning my business card. Instead of using the design studio, I’m focusing more on the paperie side since I no longer do custom design. Those florals by the way were from my 365 doodle project last year.

Because last week was all about pen. Let me share these filipino calligraphers I follow on instagram. The two girls are my good friends and all of them are from Manila. I’m sure you’ve seen their works already or perhaps you’re following them too.

{1} Rstacruz {2} The Design Hobbyist {3} The Leftie Advantage {4} Dark Gravity

Tomorrow will be a busy day. You know, when I was still studying, I used to dislike Mondays. Surprisingly right now, I get so excited every Monday. It probably shows how I love what I’m doing. And yes, this year is all about getting excited. And I have a lot of reasons to be.

I hope you feel the same way too. If not, I’m sending my good vibes to you so you’ll love Mondays too. And may those calligraphers inspire you to write something the entire week. Good night everyone.


2 thoughts on “Instagram Sunday #67”

  1. I love what you do too! Yep, still a fan! Haha Check out The Word Affair in IG too! She writes awesome and she’s really nice..

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