Instagram Sunday #33

Instagram Sunday

Forgive my absence in blogging. I swear I’m working on with my rhythm and catching up with my blog post. Although my instagram sunday maybe a day late, I thought, I’d still post this anyway.

My silence in the blogging world gave me more time spending it with great friends and kids. I’ve had few guests from Manila and Shanghai, date with kids and a church wedding of one of my closest friends.

{1} So my sister and I had this thing with borrowing kids of our friends. I don’t know why but I think I missed being a pre-school teacher and be surrounded with kids. Last time we had a date with my boy godchild, Riley and we took him to a movie. Then last Friday, we borrowed Sachi {left} and Lilaq {right} and played with them in Zoofari. These girls are the cutest and the sweetest. They joined one of my workshops before but this time, we just played and ate with them instead of having an activity.

{2} One of my closest friend, Coco, walked down the aisle with her coolest wife Joan. Although they got married 5 years ago they decided to have a church wedding this time with their two kids, Riley and Stacy.

{3} I love it when I have guests so I have a reason to go to the beach. Ronald and I, a friend who is now based in Shanghai went to the beach for breakfast. And we talked about life and fun stuff and thought, it should but continued, but next time Shanghai version.

{4} Oh if you’ve been following and you’ve read my blissful experience the last time I went to a craft store, you’ll probably remember Rochelle. She and her husband Ron came to visit me and I had a great weekend with them. Not only because I had the reason to go to the beach again but this couple had a good timing in inspiring me in terms of personal aspect. Til our next unlimited crab session guys.

I’m surrounded with fantastic friends and it’s such a wonderful feeling to spend time with them. I wonder if I have guests again this week but I sure know before this month ends, I will have a blast with crafting. Stay tuned for details.


4 thoughts on “Instagram Sunday #33”

  1. Glad to have you back. I can relate to your point about wanting to have guest around so you can be forced to go to the beach. I love going to the beach but somehow never go there without company.

    1. Hello Pearl… thanks for dropping by… Next time if you want to go to the beach and you dont have a company, do let me know, you’d be doing both of us a favor, hehe

    2. Hello Pearl… next time you want to go to the beach and you dont have a company, feel free to inform me, you’d be doing us a favor, hehe

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