Art Journal 15 | Ask, and it will be given to you

Art Journal Design Projects

There are days when you just have to do something regardless there are still tons of other things to do. Do you have this feeling too?

In my case, that’s art journaling. I’ve been neglecting my art journal for a long time now. I had a goal supposedly to finish the entire journal last year so I can permit myself to buy a new one again. I even thought it was possible even if I just make 1 or 2 spreads per month. But… I didn’t!

Just few days after my birthday (this was April 14), I decided to go with my gut. Left my few chores for a bit and grabbed my art journal, my tools and let my emotions play.

This was also inspired from Ohn Mar Win. I’ve been following her quite some time now and her illustrations are just so inspiring. Her work is not about art journal though but she’s an illustrator. A really great one. Her works can make you feel cozy and that drawing and painting can be easy with constant practice of course.

I’ve been learning a lot from her Skillshare classes and she’s such a great teacher and very generous and warm. If you’ve been wanting to learn how to draw or paint, I truly suggest her classes.

I’ve been using watercolor and calligraphy pens and inks already but I never really used them as a combination in my art. So when I saw her post about a Sweet Pea flower, I knew I wanted to try it out. And my way of experimenting is through art journaling.

Like I said from the start, this was one of the best decision I did that day.

I know, we opt to lie down or look in our phones while we have extra time and I’m like that most of the time. But this day, I really felt it’s the best time to art journal.

Through this, I also learned that art journal is not only my way of healing. But it is also my expression of gratitude.

You see, every birthday, I feel emotional. All the more when the pandemic hit. Feelings of all sorts were filling in. But this time, I was truly feeling the love. I was grateful for having such a wonderful family.

My birthday was spent with my family. Both in my side and Wacky, my husband’s. We just had dinner. Then I realised, I have my own big family now. Some were not there at the moment but in general, I have it. I’ve been wanting to have a big family since I grew up mostly just the three of us with my Mama and sister.

When my sister got married, I was so happy to be part of her big family too. They are also the best in-laws you can have. And in my heart, I’ve been praying for the same thing. And when I saw our photo for my birthday, it just came to me that God has granted me that prayer. There’s nothing more I can wish for. Well, if there’s more… great health for all of us and a Traveler’s Notebook maybe? lol

So yeah, the bible verse I wrote in my art journal is “Ask, and it will be given to you.” Because by asking, God will also know that you want it. He already knows your heart’s desires but asking for it will let both of you know that you really want it.

Okay, so I’m gonna stop being emotional and share my process on how I made this art journal spread.

I encourage you, to go and ask God what your heart’s desires too. He listens and He will give it to you at the right time.

I have other art journal processes that is quite similar to this in case you’re in the mood for more journaling.

Art Journal 8 | Only Jesus Can Fix and Solve Everything

Art Journal 10 | Do Everything In Love

• Other Art Journal

I hope this weekend we can find time to art journal. It’s a great way to heal and to just express happiness. I hope you’ll join me, because I know I’ll find time later.


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