Hello, hello there! First, don’t mind the title on the video, I mixed up the numbering in my studio vlogs. This is really no.12.
Second, if you haven’t seen it yet, I’ve already posted this on my YouTube channel: April San Pedro. But let me share more about this here…
Last January 25, 2020, Sharmane and I hosted a Journal Meet. It was supposedly just a simple post Christmas party with the Junk Journal group. But we decided to open it to the public so anyone who’d be interested can join too.
Sharmane and I already planned this last year. I shared it here: Studio Vlog 11. But it was only almost 2weeks before that my ideas were getting clear. I blame it to the epidural I had when I gave birth, lol.

We also had a capsule workshop just to give a little idea for those who were beginners and if anyone just needed a little inspiration on the side.
My capsule workshop was about journaling tips and tricks. And I was practicing few days before how to go about it. I was just checking my journal pages what tricks I usually used.

We hold the meet at Yellow Hauz, so I was in-charged of the set-up. I was a bit ambitious and wanted to decorate it with paper flowers and made few pieces but ended up using our old ones because of my limited time.

The night before the event, I displayed different tapes in the shop, Artisan Paperie in case some of the participants would want to add things in their stash.

Then… it’s the Journal Meet day!
In the morning, I set-up the place and prepared the food.

I got really busy juggling the preparation and entertaining the participants I wasn’t able to take a lot of photos and videos.
Sharmane, started with her capsule workshop An Introduction to journaling and then a tea activity called Tasseography.

Afterwards, we had a short break and another activity hosted by me called what’s in your purse. Then my capsule workshop was up.
I love hacks when it comes to anything. And I also enjoy sharing the simple tips and tricks I know when it comes to journaling. At first, I couldn’t decide how many to share since this was just a mini workshop.

After my workshop, we picked out who had the best fascinator. Mel of Goldfish And Clouds won with her handmade paper flowers. Then we just had chika-chika afterwards. Some brought their things and created their journal pages on the spot. Some shared what they had with their seat mates.
While they’re busy (and how I also wish I had the luxury to just sit down and journal with them too) I went table to table to take photos as much as I can. It’s quite challenging to get decent photos though since I was carrying my little chubster, Nicolas the entire time.

And here’s everyone…

And here we were… all the ladies who love stationery and journaling as much as we do.

Thank you so much ladies for joining us. It was indeed a paper high. I felt normal and that I belong knowing all of us had the same interest. We really hope, you all had fun as much as we did.

And I’m truly loving the posts from the ladies…

Special thanks to Yellow Hauz for hosting the place. Artisan Paperie for the paper goods loot. Margies for our red velvet cupcake. Goldfish and Clouds for the extra loot. London Gifties for the washi samplers.
You may also check Sharmane’s Youtube channel Journal With Me and Journal Meet as she shared her beautiful spread about it and her side of the meet.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. And maybe next time, you can just us too?
I’ve learned a lot from you and Sharmane. It was a fun experience because we all share the same struggles. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Can I get a few photos? 🙂 And oh I’m planning some journaling workshop in Yellow Hauz for the next few months. hehe
Thank you so much, Odette. And thank you also for dropping by here.