I can’t believe how days just went by like a wind. Missed almost two weeks of blogging. So I thought, I might divide my story into two posts. Well, if you still remember my down days {still feeling it once in awhile, but I’m feeling better lately}, because my birthday was coming up… well it finally came. Last April 14, I turned 28. Eeeek, I don’t like the sound of it, but 8 is a lucky number so who knows right?
That week was such a manic time, a lot of things happend from preparing for Sabroso food market to preparing my birthday dinner… but despite that… Mama, Sandy and I spent the night at Pearl Farm, just a day before my birthday and 2days before the food market. It’s my birthday afterall, so a little break was a privilege, lol. {Thank you gang2 Chiche for understanding and taking care of Sabroso’s needs while me and Sandy were chilling, lol}.

As we arrived there in the afternoon, the day just flew faster… We had our dinner in our room, and got a birthday cake from Pearl Farm courtesy of our friend Apple Chua {thank you my dear Apple, too bad your plan to embarrassed me with 10 singing waiters in the restaurant failed, hehe}.
On the morning of my birthday, it was simply chilling on the beach. Having coffee for breakfast… lying down under the shade {I’m scared of the sun, lol}… and taking photos of myself {to record the 28 years of my darn face}.

Nonetheless, it was spent peacefully and most of all with my family… Can’t help missing my papa. Don’t want to feel emo about this… so let’s move on quickly.
As we went back home in the afternoon, reality starts to kick-in. Time to prepare for my dinner party and for the necessary things for Sabroso food market.