This Instagram Sunday is all about family.
Although, I might get a little emotional about this, since I’m already missing them.
If you’ve read my blog two weeks ago about a DIY for Mother’s Day, I was still so excited for the arrival of my sister’s family. Now, they already back in Vancouver. How time flies indeed.
They were here for almost three weeks to see Nicolas. Yes, things have changed now. It used to be about me, Mama and my sister… we want to see each other. But now, it’s all about the babies, lol. It’s cute and funny though.
So, the vacation was filled with summer outing at the beach, baptism of Nicolas and few coffee shop dates. And yes, that part changed too. We can only limit the places we can go to now. Not only we had limited time and that we had to adjust to our babies schedules; our energy was a big factor too, lol.

{1} Just days after they arrived, Mama booked us at Club Samal. We had an event there last March and Mama liked the place so she wanted to come back with the rest of the family.
And there we were… a family photo with our kiddos. I was so happy we’re together again. And the number is growing. It used to be just the three of us: Mama, me and sister. Then with her husband and Magnus. Then now, we are seven.
{2} On the next week, we went to another beach resort in Samal called Chemas by the Sea. I celebrated my birthday there last April. These were the few good shots of Magnus and Nicolas. Either it’s blurry or trying to catch Magnus pose. It’s so cute that Magnus was so gigil with Nicolas.
{3} We made sure to celebrate Nicolas’ baptism while my sister’s family was still here. So, one Sunday, we went to Wacky‘s hometown for his baptism. All thanks to Wacky’s Mama for preparing everything. The celebration was held at their house where there’s river and trees. We had a milk break for Nicolas at the photo.
{4} This one was quite emotional for me. The day before their flight back home, I took Magnus for a playdate. The last time they were here, I couldn’t carry him much since I was already pregnant. And every time I go to the mall, I always imagine Magnus enjoying those kiddie rides. So, there we were… riding on a kiddie car.
It felt like we had two kids. Wacky was with Nicolas while I run around with Magnus. Magnus was so happy and so was I. Bonding with him, checked.
Now, I miss them sooo much. We are back to facetime again until September. Long distance with family is challenging. But it is also a way of appreciating the moment every time you see each other.
There goes the two weeks of my May. We went for an island hopping too but I didn’t take nice photos.
Anyway, four months to go before I’ll see these three again. Something I look forward to. Now, that I’m a Mama, all I ever look forward to is being with my entire family.
How was your May or the entire summer? It’s starting to rain here, most of the days. Stay dry and safe, friends.