Hi there! And yes, I’m bringing back Instagram Sunday. If you’re new here, it’s basically a summary of my entire week through photos on Instagram.
Although, this might be a bit hard to maintain since I hardly post nowadays.
Aside from not having anything to share with my art, most of my photos involves our faces and our little chubster, Nicolas.
And since the shop/studio is still closed and most of my materials are still kept in the boxes, I have nothing much to share. But lately, I’ve been pushing myself to paint. Just to practice and to keep me sane. Painting or doing anything creative truly makes me feel productive and happy. So, here are few the things that I was able to accomplished.

{1} I had few journal pages that I wasn’t able to share yet. This is one of them. It’s a story of my pregnancy journey and a video how I made this journal spread. I called it, Celebrate Love. You can read more about it on the link. Or you can also check the video on my Youtube channel. I also used a filipino brand rubber stamps from Marryl Crafts.
{2} Every morning, as much as I can, I try to have a me time in Yellow Hauz. Either I work in the cafe; fix my schedule or what needs to be done. In this case, I added a little extra by adding stickers and tapes on my Blangko planner. This little things also keeps me sane.
{3} Like I said, I’ve been pushing myself to paint. Just so to regain my groove and to keep sane. This is one of the seascapes I’ve been practicing on. I found this on Youtube. Unfortunately, I can’t find the video again. But will try to link it once I’ll find it. Surprisingly, it was easy and I liked how it turned out. I was also able to figure out some few techniques and things I need to improved on.
{4} I just realised I’ve been doing plein air painting every time we go to the beach. For my birthday, I asked for a beach vacation as a gift. Days before my birthday, we went to Chemas by the Sea. Then on that early morning, I went to the shoreline and painted this.
My last post of Instagram Sunday was still May last year. Yup! Life happened and I got lazy in blogging. So, let me make it up by sharing few more photos. This time, with our faces.

{1} I was supposed to paint but Nicolas won’t sleep. So, I decided to play with him instead. For almost 2hours, we giggled, sang old songs, took photos of us and a lot of kisses and hugs in between. My Friday night has changed but I love it.
{2} A photo of Nicolas using Fujifilm SQ10 during my birthday celebration. A birthday I’ll probably won’t forget since I’m celebrating it as a family this time. It was an emotional moment for me. But, I was tired and preoccupied with painting with my limited time, so there was no drama, lol.
Although, as much as I like the old school way, this hybrid instant photo with SD card is really quite convenient. I took a lot of shots and I can decide later which one to print.
{3} We spent our first Holy Week quite well… On Good Friday, we went to Wacky‘s hometown and spent it with his grandparents. Well, he slept almost the entire time. But that won’t be the case few years from now, for sure.
{4} On Black Saturday, we went back home and spent a staycation at my friend’s new Hotel called Hampton Suites. Ena, wanted to test their operation and we had the privilege to try it out.
And that sums up the few weeks of me trying to be active online. I really want to go back in blogging. I enjoy sharing what or how I do things plus it’s like a memory keeping for me too.
But of course, things have changed now. I can hardly do 2 errands in one go. And blogging, more over video editing takes so much time. And it’s funny how a small baby can occupy your day.
And I think, I kinda get how moms can be supermoms with their time. Eventually, you get to learn how to multitask without so much procrastination since you have limited time. What do you know, I just need a baby to stop procrastinating, lol.
Anyway, I have few plans for my blog and youtube videos. Like sharing or reviewing tools and materials I normally use. Then more process as well. From painting, journaling and mix media.
What do you think? What would you like me to share more? Would love to hear it. And will try if I can find to do so.
Have a great week ahead, friends!