Hi friends. Yes, I’m still here… I haven’t been blogging, posting much on Instagram (except mostly our faces) nor playing with my craft materials or painting tools but I’m playing with something else… or a someone… a little human, that is!
Yes, friends! That’s an ultrasound photo you’re seeing right there on my traveler’s notebook. If you’re following around on Instagram, you probably knew about this.
I wanna share more about this journey and my process how I kept this memory on my Artisan Paperie’s Pandagdag (traveler’s notebook). I also love rubber or clear stamps so I wanna emphasized that on this process.
Here are the materials I used for this journal.

What better way to share my creative process but through a video, right? So, here’s a video of that. By the way, I have more on Youtube. From traveler’s notebook, mixed media art journal and painting.

It was August of 2018 when Wacky and I found out I was pregnant. I got really teary-eyed when it was confirmed. We had false result on the first 2 months and it was after that when I finally went to the doctor. When I heard the doctor said, “You’re so pregnant and you’re at 14weeks,” I couldn’t explain how I felt. But it was one of the best feelings ever.

Everybody got excited when we announced it. We had a little episode though with my Mama, but it went well few days after… Then the remaining 7 months journey started.

We wanted the baby’s gender to be a surprise. Just like when my sister had her baby. It was so exciting and everyone get to guess. So, we did the same thing. The old school way.

I didn’t post nor share much about my pregnancy journey, especially how I looked. Not that I’m hiding it. I guess, I was adjusting with my belly bump and other changes in my body. But this time, let me share some photos during those 7-months journey. I wanted to keep it as a memory too. So, here they are…

Sandy’s family had a long vacation as she continued her maternity leave here at the Philippines. We were already 6+1 here. It was really memorable.

Renovation of Yellow Hauz was still going on. Here, I was taking a selfie at the restroom while Mama and I went for tile shopping.

We still like going to the beach. We kept going out on dates whenever we can. I was trying to be comfortable wearing swimsuit with my big belly.

My entire family was in Vancouver for Christmas. I was supposed to spend it there as well. But when I had a spotting and felt tired every now and then, I decided not to fly anymore. Gladly, the Masbads adopted me. My first time to spend it without my family and with my new one.

October 15, 2018 Wacky proposed to me, yiheee! Then we had a very simple civil wedding. Nothing fancy not even guests except for the immediate family. But just so timely, all his childhood friends were in his hometown. So, they had a spontaneous mini gathering. It was really intimate and simple. I love it so much. Will post more about this next time.

Going out on a date as much as we can. We went for a brunch as our Valentine’s date then we went with friends at night. Our usual Valentine routine for years now. Except for the brunch.
My supposedly due date was March 10. We had few bumps during my pregnancy. I had spotting on my 4th month. Had to check for congenital scan due to skip beats. Dual cord coil during last few weeks. And I got admitted that might lead to preterm on my 32 weeks.
When I was admitted for 3days, this was the worst time I felt being pregnant. Funny, because I didn’t feel anything. I just bled for no reason. So, I got really scared that something bad might happen to the baby without me feeling it. I was emotional and anxious. So, I kept praying but I was still afraid. Then for some reason, Ms. Jinky (president of International Watercolor Society) shared Lauren Daigle’s “I Trust In You” song in her feed. It was indeed God’s way of saying to trust in Him. After one night of pouring tears of gratitude, I realised the baby was being strong for staying longer in my tummy. So, it’s my time to be strong for the two of us, now. I diverted my mind into being excited in seeing the baby instead of being scared. Since then, I lean towards that song every time I was shaken. And I felt comforted.
35 weeks came. Technically, the baby’s quite mature in the tummy. So, I felt more excited that we might see each other any time soon now.
But before that, my sister, Sandy and a good friend, Chiche planned a supposedly surprise baby shower for us. Told them before not to plan it anymore. Thought, I’m quite too old and tired for this. But they pushed it anyway and decided to mention it to me instead so I can clean up before the guests will arrived, lol.

It was another intimate moment for us. This time, my side of friends. Chiche organized it since Sandy was in Vancouver. Of course, I got emotional again. Will also post about this next time.
These were my 9months (well technically, just 7months since we found out 2months after already) pregnancy journey.
I was grateful, despite our little bumps. I can say, it was still an easy pregnancy. Since, I never experienced vomiting, craving nor any other severe symptoms except I was just sleepy and tired most of the time. I was truly thankful. Especially, that we didn’t try so hard to get pregnant. And God gave this baby to us.

1+1=3. An equation I saw from the TV series Touch. That equation made sense and resonated in me…
We had a boy! We named him Nicolas.