Instagram Sunday #62

Instagram Sunday

I haven’t been blogging as much as I wanted to. Yes! Due to deadlines and also procrastination (so guilty about that). But for some reason, I keep on forgetting about it. But I’m always reminded during Sundays, I guess it became a routine for me now.

I won’t promise though, but so far, I have synced all my photos with Sinatra (my laptop), so now I wouldn’t have any more excuses why I’ll still delay it (crossing fingers here).

{1} It’s the second day of our Kids Gone Craft today and I asked Miguel to assist me with kids. But instead, he had fun with the activity and made one for himself, haha.

{2} That’s how my Sunday looked like… filled with fabric pens, paints and tote bags. And I loved it.

{3} We have new paper goods in the shop. New notebooks, stationery and pens and more craft tools too. And of course, I need to have one of each for myself. Did you see how I used the word need? I’m sure my cousin, Karen is laughing at me as she reads this.

{4} We cleaned up our shelves in the studio, but it still feels that there were a lot of things going on. Specially now we’ve unpacked more stocks. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to fit all of them.

Since I’m so excited with the shop this week, thought my theme this week would also be shops that I like on instagram.

{1} betsywhitestationery {2} placeashop {3} papercottonlove {4} papertrailshop

Oh this week is exciting for me. Mainly because I get to open new paper goods and craft tools for my shop (wish it’s just all for me). I’m also trying this new system for my inventory made by a friend. If you need one, shoot me an email: [email protected], they offer a suitable budget for small shops like mine.

If you’re also interested with our Kids Gone Craft, we have at least 3 more slots available before we can schedule our next batch. So feel free to email me or comment on any of my social media accounts.

How about you? What are you looking forward to this week?


2 thoughts on “Instagram Sunday #62”

  1. Ohhh…aahhh!!! I NEED that journal and what else you have in there, twinsy?!? LOL! What difference do new paper goods to motivate us, ‘no? I totally understand you! Though it doesn’t mean that we are materialistic (only paper addicts!), sometimes we need these things to spark creativity and fuel our passion especially at the start of the week. Haayy, I wish we were neighbors and I would gladly unpack your stuff for you! Haha!

    Have a great week ahead, my twinsy!

    1. Hahaha… we are so twins… that notebook called my name the moment I saw it hahaha… I only have 1 design each in the store… do you want one? yes! I wouldn’t deny Im a paper addict hahaha… how I also wish were neighbors so we can just talk and craft in the middle of our day…

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