Instagram Sunday #36

Instagram Sunday

One-week vacation is over! And yes, at this hour, I’m already working. But just to be clear, I’m not a workaholic, not even close. As a matter of fact, I’m one lazy procrastinator girl. However, every time I travel, I get so inspired with so many things but they only stay as ideas. That’s why this time, I’m trying to break that pattern and make those inspired ideas into reality, but slowly though.

Here are some of the photos from my instagram feed. If you like crafting, travel, food and cute stuff, maybe you’d be interested with my daily feed. Feel free to follow me @iam_artisan.

{1} When I came home last night, a gift from Alessa and Mansy surprised me as I entered my room. Thank you girls. That’s really sweet of you… I wish we could have spent more time together.

{2} Do you believe in the 11:11 wish thingy? Well they say, if you see that time, you make a wish… It’s no harm in trying, so I just like doing it.

{3} I wanted to go back in photography. It’s been awhile that I haven’t brought Oris, my Nikon d40 whenever I travel. But this time, I did. I remember the last time I was in Malaysia, I was so eager to take photos and I got a lot of good ones. This time though, I really need some practice.

{4} As always, the constant thing every time we travel is food. We can’t stop from eating. Normally, my sister and I would go to the club lounge of the hotel in the afternoon for cocktails and we would just stay there all night with our wine and cheese.

I hope this week will be productive. I tend to finish a lot from my to-do list. Also, since Ber months is already up, I have to rush some things for the upcoming holidays.

Another thing is, I don’t know what came to me but I just had this thing about making a bucket list before I turn 30 next year. Yes, scary as it may seem, I will be out of the calendar soon. That’s why I think, this bucket list came in mind. I have some few things listed already, but I’m still thinking of some nonsense yet sensible and crazy ideas {does that make any sense? hehe}. If you have any suggestions, do share it with me. And if it’s okay with you, I wanna borrow it in case I feel I can do before next year.


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