It’s almost been 2-weeks now since I went to my very first craft soiree. It may sound so corny and cheesy but I truly feel so lonely when I got back to Davao. I’m back to my work, and no more chit-chats with friends about crafts. Oh how I miss them and that crafternoon.

Anyway, I’ve been blabbing about how great the experience was and never got the chance to show more pictures about it. Alessa {who organized it all} made a post of all the crafters. Check out their photos and sites so you’ll get to know them more. Felt like we we’re celebrities when I saw our photos at Alessa’s blog, hihi {I was giggling when I read it and spread it to my friends right away, lol}.
So the crafters had to bring their own handmade goodies and gave it to each participants, can you imagine how amazing that was? As Lorra and Macy would describe “It’s better than Christmas.” True indeed because I can’t remember having these so many handmade crafts in my entire life.

Lovely sponsors added more to our goodies…

After the show and tell, I stayed for the bracelet crafternoon {really have to learn how to make those friendship bracelet. I tried making one, but end up making a ring, haha} then had picture taking with my new crafter friends. Lorra {who was my schoolmate in high-school and co-teacher before} stayed a little longer while Alessa showed us how to make a green juice.

Now can you imagine how big my smile was when I got back to my hotel? Yup, up to my ears. Opened it right away and looked at them over and over again. Now I’m excited to use all of them.
Glad to meet you all girls… how I wish I lived in Manila so we can hang out again anytime and have another crafternoon.