DIY: Shoebox Organizer


It’s been awhile since I had my last DIY. And since I’ve done some organizing in my room, I’ve thought of sharing some DIY Shoebox Organizer I did for my rubber stamps. Yes, it seems that I have this thing with dressing up some boxes. But let’s face it, they can be very helpful as organizers.

Materials you’ll need:

• Shoe box

• Manila paper

• Glue gun and scissors

Doily Lace tape

• Wooden letters

• Flower embellishments

What to do:

{1}  Firstly, cover your shoe box with the craft paper just like I did here. Once you’re done, use a Doily Lace tape and stretch it from one corner to another on the cover of the box.

{2}  Add the wooden letters on the lower left side of the cover using the glue gun. If you don’t have wooden letters, cut-outs will also do. Spell out STAMPS, or RUBBER STAMPS so you would know what’s inside the box.

{3}  Simply add the flower embellishment on top of the wooden letters. This will give extra crafty look to your box.

And a simple and chic organizer for your stamps is ready to be displayed in your shelf. Tomorrow I’ll share another one I made for my cutters. Enjoy crafting!


6 thoughts on “DIY: Shoebox Organizer”

  1. Hi! I really love your blog and crafts. I just found out about your blog last week on Multiply. Really admire your craftiness. I’m also very fond of crafting especially paper projects but never got to pursue it because I’m very busy with my kids (hihi!). Maybe one of this day I can show you some of my works. Anyway, I also love planners, hahaha! Here’s one of the photo of pages from my Korean planner on Flickr
    God bless! 🙂

    1. Hello Jackie… sorry for the late reply… I bought it in Gaisano Mall here in Davao… there’s a shop called Craft Shop on the second floor… =)

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