DIY: Pop Up Balloon Birthday Card


If you have someone special celebrating their birthday soon and you don’t know what to give them, why not try a different gift this year and make a handmade one just like my friend, Chef Pat, where he gave this birthday card for Chiche.

I’ll show how easy this DIY birthday card is...

Pop Up Balloon Materials

• White cardstock as base for the card

• Scrap patterned papers

• Coin envelope

DMC thread

Scotch Glue Stick

• Paper cut-outs: Tags, Mini Postcard, Jars

• Double-sided foam tape

• Scissors

Sharpie pens

How to make the Pop Up Balloon Birthday Card

{1} Draw balloon shapes on a hard card stock as templates. Try heart, circle or stars in different sizes.

{2} If you’re done with your templates, trace it at the back of a patterned paper and cut. Make at least 20 pieces of different shapes and sizes.

{3} Cut around 3-inches of the DMC thread then attached it at the back of the balloon shape with scotch tape.

{5} Once you’re done with your balloons, start placing them one by one on the cover of the card with double-sided foam tape.{6} After the cover, start decorating inside the card. Place a coin envelope and paste it with scotch glue stick with the flap of the envelope facing at the back. Cut a small heart shape for the seal. You can insert a letter or a photo inside.

Make a lettering at the top like “Sealed with a kiss”…{7} On the other side of the card, add some balloons and a mini card where you can write something else.Here’s what it looks like from outside and inside…

Try to save your scrap papers next time, because you can always use it for small cut-outs like this DIY card. Play with different colors and embellishments, try not to over do it though and don’t forget to write a simple and sweet letter inside.

Nothing really beats a handmade gift even if it’s just a simple birthday card. If you find this challenging, feel free to email me at [email protected] I’d be glad to help you with it.


6 thoughts on “DIY: Pop Up Balloon Birthday Card”

  1. great post you have here. its such a wonderful idea. .the photos you provided are also great. and I’m adding now this idea on my list for my friend’s birthday. I hope I make a good one like this. thanks for sharing it. 🙂

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