DIY: Fabric Notebook for Sweet As Honey Blog Tour


I love making DIY‘s moreover if it’s a collaboration with other creative people. I’ve been lucky to be part of different creative people around the world this year. One was a postcard design, and another one to do a DIY for Bonnie’s Fabrics and be part of her Sweet as Honey Blog Tour.

For 25 days, there will be 25 bloggers and 25 projects that will inspire you on what you can make with her lovely fabrics. And here’s my take… I wanted to incorporate it with my own style just like Emily did with her project. I’m not a sewer, so if you’re on the same page, you can still do something about it. I’m making a DIY Fabric Notebook. Will cover up that fancy notebook of yours using Bonnie’s Sweet as Honey Fabrics.

Fabric Notebook Materials:

• Old Hard-bound Notebook

Bonnie’s Sweet As Honey Fabrics

• Iron

• Scissors, Glue, Double-side Tape, Brush

• Needle and Thread

• Garter and Vintage Button

Here’s what you’ll do:

{1} First, iron the fabric to straighten up the folds before placing them on the notebook.

{2} Measure the fabric needed for the size of your notebook, then cut the excess.

{3} At the back of the notebook, using a needle and thread, sew folded 4-inch garter in the middle part near the edge to make a lock.

{4} Glue the cover of the notebook and place the fabric making sure the lock you made is still in place at the back.

{5} Once you’re done gluing and sealing the notebook, place the button at the front and measure how far you to lock it with the garter. Then sew it again with needle and thread.

And this is how it should look like…

You’re all set to write down all your creative ideas with your new covered fabric notebook. You can also check what the other lovely ladies made with Bonnie’s fabrics here. Hope you enjoyed the blog tour and the projects we’ve made for you… happy crafting!


7 thoughts on “DIY: Fabric Notebook for Sweet As Honey Blog Tour”

  1. Love this project. I will be making several of these this summer for the grandchildren to make journals. Thanks for the project.

    1. It was an honour to be part of your blog tour… I had fun making this DIY and I love your fabric patterns so much… hope we can do this again soon…

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