100 Verses 1 Heart

Design Projects Fun Stuff

I’ve been working with some personal projects lately and one of them is being involved in a very nice advocacy in spreading the verses in the bible.

I was following Yuhui over instagram when I saw her post that they were looking for 100 christian graphic designers worldwide. And so I emailed her right away and luckily, I got in!

The project is about involving the modern style of graphic design yet going back to the basics of spreading the good news in the bible by making it as postcards. Here’s an info graphic to describe it better.

I jot down some ideas and made a draft on how I was wanted to design mine. Sometimes my draft doesn’t always end up as I planned it to be. Along the way, I keep changing my mind for a reason I cannot explain. I chose the verse: “Do everything with Love from Corinthians 16:14”

Here’s what the final output looked like… Made the typography simpler than what I’ve imagined and played with colors instead. Did a little different from my usual style.

Now this project needs some funding in order for us to spread the love. If you want to know more about the details, you can check the video in the website. And we appreciate it so much if you could help us raise funds. Feel free to like the 100 Verses One Heart facebook page too, all our artworks are posted there.


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