Calligraphy Station for Plains and Prints x Vania Romoff

Artisan Life Crafting + Workshop Design Projects Fun Stuff Happenings

Since I’m such a bad blogger… I am still trying to catch up some long overdue posts. Just a heads up, for the next few months, you’ll be reading throwback of my projects, collabs and everything in between.

So, back in July of last year, I had a collab with Chimes for the launch of Plains & Prints x Vania Romoff. All thanks to Cindy and Camille of Chimes Specialty Boutique for getting me. You can check that link to read the creative process on how I made the art print.

I normally come to any of my events 2 hour at least before it will start. This is to feel the vibe and be comfortable with the surrounding. So I came in early to set up my station… This was the calligraphy station.

These were my materials. I used Winsor and Newton Gouache, water brush, ceramic palette and the handpainted artwork that I digitised to make an art print.

It started with a short program. An introduction of Vania Romoff of course and how the collection came about. Then after that, the guests had the first dibs of the Plains & Prints x Vania Romoff collection.

There was short fashion show of the collection and pictorials of course. That’s Cindy on the left and Camille on the right. The super nice and sweet ladies of Chimes Boutique.

And me looking a bit nervous to be with these beautiful models… I was also wearing one of the designs from the collection. I love the style of it and the pockets were so handy.

After which, the guests had their names written by me on the art print.

They can choose from gold or coloured ink gouache and on either the bougainvillea or the ikat print.

It was intended to be as big as 5R photo so they frame it and put it on the wall or on their desk.

I wasn’t able to take a lot of photos since I was so busy writing names. Would have wanted to take photos with some of my friends there and with Vania. Yup! Wasn’t able to meet her personally and no photos with her either. Here are snippets grabbed from Chiche and Plains & Print’s Instagram story. Most of the photos were also grabbed from Annie Lim, the coordinator of the event.

This was really a fun collab for me. I always wanted to do something like this. Especially to collaborate with great brands. All the more Chimes Specialty Boutique is a homegrown store.

Thank you again Cindy and Camille. I hope we can do another of this next time.

Should you want to do something like this, feel free to email me at [email protected] so we can talk about how we can collaborate.


2 thoughts on “Calligraphy Station for Plains and Prints x Vania Romoff”

    1. Hello Christy… how are you? My real handwriting is not so nice either, lol and used to hate brush lettering, but you just have to be patient and consistently practice. Eventually, you’ll get the strokes then you’ll like your own style. Thank you for dropping by, Christy.

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