When I found out I was pregnant last year (Journal With Me: Celebrate Love) I was feeling tired most of the time. So, I decided to pause from doing workshops and custom design. Managing the cafe, Yellow Hauz remained though as my main work.
After more than a year of hiatus from my creative work (designing custom invites and doing craft workshops); and now, Nicolas is 6 months old… I am finally back!
Every now and then, I pushed myself to paint just so I’ll feel productive or to keep me sane from adjusting with my new life. There are days, I feel inspired and motivated. But most of the time, I feel sluggish and I just I want to do nothing.
But this month… I had an opportunity to go back to my groove. By chance, a college batch mate remembered me as she was looking for an artist for their private event. Thank you, Joy, for remembering me.

When she told me about what they had in mind, I know I wanted to take it. I had limited time to prepare plus it would be the first time I’ll do such workshop – acrylic painting.
The next few days, after we’ve finalized the idea. I got all my acrylic paints and brushes and the canvas pad then started practicing for a subject.

A week before the event, I was scouting for materials already. It was a bit challenging since I needed to provide 30 pieces. Especially, for the easel. That was really hard to find. Either they’re too expensive or they only have 5 pieces of it. Thankfully, I was able to find a better option.
That’s when I realised, this workshop was truly meant to happen. I find it funny though when my mind and heart want something, especially when it comes to projects, the universe will truly conspires. Just like when I wanted to have a craft party for the first time.
Early weeks of August, I was already cleaning up my studio. Thinking of what I’ll be doing next. Then, suddenly, projects just pouring in. Thank you, God for this.

So, I’ve decided to do abstract florals for the mini workshop. Since we will only have 2 hours at least. However, I wasn’t feeling the yellow background of the first floral sample I made. So, I covered it up with blue. That’s the nice thing about acrylic… you can just cover up your paints if you’re not happy with it.

Thursday came (August 29), and there I was… checking how I’ll set-up for this workshop. I was afraid, I might get rusty. And this time, it’ll be different because I brought Nicolas with me. Not only I had to mind the workshop, I had to look after my son too (I still feel giddy whenever I say my son). Thankfully, my Mama was around since Wacky had to work as well. The plan was, I’ll just feed him for dinner, then they’ll go home so he can already sleep. Hoping he will not cry or give his lola a hard time.

Anyway, the idea for this private workshop was a paint and wine activity for the doctors in Polo Bistro, Marco Polo Davao. But the wine wasn’t pushed for some reason. It ended up merely a painting activity.
I was surprised about myself because I was feeling confident about it even though there were a lot of factors to be nervous about. First, it would be my first time to teach again after a long time. Second, I haven’t tried teaching acrylic before. Third, the participants were doctors.

Maybe, I didn’t really look at it as full workshop since I was able to attend this kind of activity in Vancouver before and it was more of a fun night of painting than really learning the basics. So, I thought to myself, just know your tools and just share it like as if I’m sharing to a kid. Just wing it!

We painted for about 3 hours and it felt really good. The doctors were really nice and humble. The organizers said they had fun and they wanted to try it again. We might even have another session next time, yay! I’m so happy they had fun.

This workshop opportunity reminded me how I love what I do so much. How it run smoothly and naturally in my system even I was on a break for a long time.
It felt so good to be back! This time also, I already know what I want to do. I just need to manage my time properly especially it’s already “ber” season.
I’ll probably host something like this soon. But with wine or coffee. Let’s see… would you be interested?