If last week was slow for me. This week was totally lazy. I wasn’t able to finish much nor filming either. So, this vlog is quite shorter than the usual.
I’m still figuring out the layout for my studio and I just ordered my shelves and table. I know. I should have done this weeks before, but I’m such a slow Mama. I hate it! But truly for now, I can only do so much. I get uneasy about it most of the times, however, I have to accept my reality that my time for work is quite limited for now.
Anyway, I’m expecting the shelves will arrive next week. Then we can finally clean up the workspace area.

On the cafe side… Food Panda had a little media launch at Yellow Hauz. And I let Wacky talked in my behalf since I haven’t had coffee for quite sometime and public speaking still rattles me.

As for the creativity part. I had to create a journal spread for Sahin Designs‘ new collection called Day Of Thanks. Will also post the journaling process this week.
I’m also behind in my Inktober pages but I’m still doing it anyway.

And so… I still wasn’t able to figure out my Silhouette Cameo. So, I’m manually cutting the elements from the kit.

I can’t wait for the studio to be tidy so I can create more projects. For now, it’s so hard to get all my stuff from all the boxes. I’m truly hoping this week, all my tools and materials will be out of the boxes already.
Here’s the studio vlog 05:
Basically, that’s pretty much my entire week. Quite a bit tired. Aside from lack of coffee and sleep, Nicolas is getting in the hyper stage already. So, yeah… I guess it’s true when they say you’ll never know tired until you become a parent. But on the other note, since he’s more aware now, he’s very playful and interactive as well which gives a different happiness also. I really love it when he laughs at my silly dance and make faces. Then he’ll hold my face or hand too… truly the sweetest.
Maybe one thing that’s making me feel unmotivated is the clutter around me. Messy surroundings makes your head messy too. Which is what’s happening now. Urgh! I’ll really try to live minimalist. I can’t imagine how much things I accumulated over these years.
How’s your second week of October? Still cannot believe that just like that… we’re on to the third week. Time just flies so fast.
I have to finalise my planner kit and online store. Otherwise, I’ll be late again in selling those.
May we have a productive and creative this coming week.