Have you ever tried writing down your thoughts and goals in your journal? Well, I love doing that and I do that mostly every new year. It sets my mind with my yearly goals and gives me direction. But one thing I noticed with this practice was, it has the magic of attracting the things I wanted to happen. Seriously…
You see, earlier this year, I wrote down the things that I wanted to happen with regards to my crafting. And one of which was to hold a craft party for kids. Would you believed, a week after I wrote that, a friend of mine, Bang-bang, texted me if I do craft party? Call it coincidence, but I don’t believed in coincidence… I was really surprised how writing my goals have showed its magic in so many levels.
Anyway, I love it whenever Bang-bang comes to me for her kids parties. She lets me play with my creativity. This time, instead of the party stationery that she normally asked me to do for her, she wanted a craft party for her eldest daughter, Zoe together with her sister and cousins.
You can’t imagine how excited I was while preparing for my very first craft party. So my usual routine of coming up with an idea was to get my sketchbook and pencil. Then I start drawing and listing my thoughts on what to do or the things that I needed to use and bring.
The craft party was a group of six with boys. So I have to come up with something that was not too girly. I also like something functional or at least you can display it. So I’ve thought of clay making – bag tags, name garland and keychain.
I prepared and put all their kits in a milk box with their names using clay. I also made a “hello” garland to show them a sample but they’ll be making it with their names.
The craft party was held in Basti’s Brew, one of the pioneer coffee shops in Davao. I came in really early because I was nervous and I wanted to set up the place and check if in case I forgot something, I still have time to go back and get it. Gladly, I didn’t forget anything. Again, the magic of writing it all down, hehe.I brought my personal rubber stamps and thank God I have a sister who baked and she left me all her cookie cutters when she went to Canada. (Don’t worry, it won’t be used for baking anymore).
Bang-bang also prepared a food table for their snacks.
That’s Bang-bang and Zoe…
Then with her sister and cousins… oh those cute kids!!! Super maka gigil…
Then we started making clay before anyone gets hungry… I was assisted by one of my baritas in Yellow Hauz, Cris. (Yes! Our baristas are crafty too, lol)
Mommy Bang-bang joined us in the latter part… and that’s Isobel, their youngest…
It’s so cute that these kids can already spell their names right…
That’s Cael (Zoe’s sister) and Sasha (her cousin) concentrating with their popcorn, hehe…
Thank you Mommy Bang-bang and Zoe for having me… I had so much fun hosting your party…
How I wish we have more intimate craft parties like this one… it actually help the kids appreciate the handmade things, plus it hones their creativity.
If you wish to have a craft party for your kids or simply with your group of friends, feel free to email me at [email protected] I’d be more than happy to host one for you…
Awww this looks fun! glad my cutters where in good hands! lol. I need to buy new ones. hehehe
hi sissy… the cutters are in good hands, so far… hehe… you’ll love the kids if you were there…