Lovely Package Exchange

Artisan Life Happenings

One of my weaknesses is definitely packages… My eyes get bigger and there’s always a smile on my face everytime I see a pacakge. So recently, I joined my favorite daily blog read, Danni of Oh Hello Friend‘s Lovely Package Exchange. I wasn’t expecting to be part of it, because the swap must be on your same country due to shipment issues. However, I was surprised when I got an email who my partner was.

Patchi is my partner and can I claim my newly found friend too? {I hope so, haha. I’m just so happy to meet new like-minded friends}. Anyway, these are the things I sent her: Decorative tapes, rubber stamp, craft ribbons, post-its, small calendar, gift tags, post card and my vintage collection planner. She’s a first-time swapper and I really hope, I didn’t disappoint her.

And when I got her package, my-oh-my. My eyes and smile were literally big. I was so happy with all the items she sent me. Now I have new decorative tapes, notebooks, accessories, button magnets, bookplate and envelope template.

“Oh how I love them all Patchi. Thank you for the lovely shout out on your post. I hope to see you if I’m in Manila…”


2 thoughts on “Lovely Package Exchange”

  1. Hello! Stumbled upon your blog and just have to tell you how much I love it. I’d love to exchange handmade/quirky stuff with you in the future! 🙂

    Have a lovely day,

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