Another week had past and just one more to go, then it’s August. Just like that. Wow! I had a crazy week. A productive one though. Hence, lack of posting, painting and crafting. I’m hoping I can catch up with posting this week and inspire you to do something creative too.
{1} I used to do custom design and printing. That’s where I actually started before I concentrated on the retail. I’m thinking of bringing it back again then I’ll do it differently this time. Well I don’t know… I’ll just have to finish my collection first before I’ll go to the next project again.
{2} Finally, I get to try Finetec. It was so gorgeous. Ena, a very good friend of mine, who does event decor, commissioned me to do some calligraphy and paper flowers for one of her events.
{3} I got that box few years ago and I totally forgot I had a photo of it. It was given by Audrey. Back then, she launched her blog and gave some goodies to the people who inspired her. I was so lucky and honoured to be one of them. I designed a printable stationery for her and you can download it for free.
{4} My Monday looked like that. Paper flowers everywhere and experimenting with my new Mini90. But the best part, my usual latte from Yellow Hauz and a latte art by our barista, Randy.
I have 3 days to work fast this week because I’ll be out of town on Thursday. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to finish a lot. But think positive, April! Own it! Let’s catch up and encourage each other on instagram: @iam_artisan so we can finish this month strong. What do you think?