DIY: Dressing up a Bottle

DIY Wedding 101

Let’s start of this year with a simple DIY to compensate my absence. Tomorrow I’ll be leaving for Manila together with the Green Tomato team to join a bridal fair in SMX. It’s our very first time to participate in fair outside my turf, and I’m quite anxious actually. In preparation for the bridal fair, I will bring a small bottle to display some of my samples, and this is how I dressed it up.

What you will need:

• Scissors and Adhesive Tape

• Yarn or Twine or maybe ribbon

• Wrapper {you may also use tissue paper}

• Bottle

Step 1: Encase the bottle with the wrapper and locked it with the tape.

Step 2: Tie the yarn around the bottle and ribbon it. You can add more layers or a different  yarn color. Contrasting colors may also be nice.

And the output… still simple but more attractive.

What I’ve plan to do with it.

You can use this as a centerpiece for your wedding or simply put a flower and display it in your house. If you’re reading this and you’re from Manila, please do drop by in our booth and would love to meet you.


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