Busy week

Artisan Life

This week was so crazy… my week however started on a Thursday because of the long weekend. Although, technically, we’re supposed to be back by Tuesday, but one great thing in being your own boss, you can decide to extend your holidays without any discussions, haha.

I’m gonna share some moments from my iphone during my crazy week…

{1} My super untidy desk… reading, printing and designing at the same time. I call it mastering multi-tasking.

{2} Energy booster of course – Brownie ala Mode from Yellow Hauz {one of the perks in having your own coffeeshop, few steps away from desserts}.

{3} “In Rome” post-it I bought from National Bookstore, perfect for my reading materials.

{4} Printing and filing my Blogging Your Way reading materials. Sadly, class ends today, but still not yet done reading and finishing my assignments. Such a bad student, I know.

Another weekend that is about to end… seriously, where did the days go? Asking that more often won’t give me any answers right? haha.


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