Business World Feature and A Papa Story


After I was featured in ANC ShopTalk, I got an expected email through my blog from Gianna of Business World, telling me if she can feature me for her article. I read my email twice or thrice I think, just to make sure if I read it right. Then I emailed her back with a very big smile on my face and a palpitating heart.

Among all the features I had {and I’m truly grateful for all of these, never have I imagined these things would ever happen to me}, this newspaper got me really emotional to the highest level the moment I held it in my hands. Because I know for a fact, that this one is something papa would love to read and really be proud of.

He always influenced us to be entrepreneurs but it didn’t really occur in my mind that I’d be one. I do remember, when he died, I just muttered that I’d make him proud someday. Seriously, when I said that, I don’t know why or how… I just thought, I never made him feel that way when I was young.

I was not an honor student, nor I was not active in any sports or extra curricular in the school. I used to be very shy and quiet, well even until now, hehe. But he never had a chance to go up in the stage to hang a medal on me or hand me any certificates.

Before my papa died, my path was definitely clear… I’ll take up Accountancy, pass the CPA board exam, then work in SGV {a well known accountancy firm}. That’s all I know. Because I know, he wanted that for me. To follow his footsteps.

But when he died, I was in second-year college then. I couldn’t take numbers anymore. So I was forced to shift to Management Accounting. I wanted to shift to another course, but I don’t know what I want for myself. Then after I graduated, I had a long battle with myself of figuring out what I really wanted to do.

Then came mama’s determination of pushing through with papa’s idea to put up a business below our house. Thus, Yellow Hauz was born. Two years later, I was decided to put my own creative business, Artisan Design Studio. It was not an easy road at first, few years before everything else, I failed a small franchise business that I persistently asked from my mama. Since then, I promised myself, I will never ever fail her nor papa again.

And now, my face and name was printed on a freaking business newspaper. That just made me feel so legit! That’s why that small portion of the newspaper got me really emotional. Gianna, wrote it very well that I wish I can throw it to heaven so papa can read it himself.

Papa still never had the chance to hang a medal on my neck nor hand me certificates. But every time I have these small achievements and recognitions, I’m the one raising it up to him, hoping he can see it and say “that’s my daughter!”

Regardless, my mom would remind me of that. And she’s here to read and see my face in those small features. And if you’re interested to read about it, here’s the link.

Thank you Gianna for this legit rhapsody. This really meant a lot to me and I believe to my papa and mama too… Sorry this took awhile for me to post. It’s too personal that I don’t know how to blog about this that I will be less emotional, haha.


4 thoughts on “Business World Feature and A Papa Story”

  1. Congratulations April! Keep up being creative as you are and continue to be an inspiration to us. You just don’t know how you inspired me to do more whenever i read your blogs or see you create something. And I’m sure there’s a lot out there who feels the same. 🙂

  2. Mahiya na ako mag invite sayo magcrafting. Level up ka na masyado. Hehehe I hope you will have workshops here in Gensan. Support talaga ako. 🙂 🙂

    1. Hello Sun2… thank you for consistently dropping by in my blog… grabe na appreciate ko tlga yan sobra… and anu ka ba, hiya2 ka jan oi hahahaha… I wanna do crafting in Gensan too. Do you think we can gather some people?

  3. Sure ba! Pero i’ll scout around first people or driends na gusto mgacrafting, and if meron na, plan na tayo. Hehe Here’s my new sun pala: 0943-708-0830

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