Back when I was actively blogging, I like sharing the books I have and called it Wednesday Book Club.
I love buying and collecting books. Mostly about crafts and other design books. I thought of sharing some of the books I have. I thought it might be helpful for you. Either you want to buy this yet you’re not sure if it’s worth it or I might interest you in buying one.

I bought these books last year. Though the saying “don’t judge the book by its cover” is certainly inapplicable to me because I’m always drawn by the cover of the book. Please don’t judge me, lol. But seriously… this book is really eye-catching; a good series to collect and very informative in the simplest form.
Let’s start with the Pocket Art Guides: Color Secrets.
I was drawn to this because I believe it or not colors are something that I’m having a hard time with. First, I am very poor when it comes to color mixing. Like the secondary colors? I was clueless before. Second, I can hardly distinguish colors. I’m not color blind though but I guess my eyes were not trained to look closely.
So, when I saw this book, it caught my attention right away. When I was checking the pages, I was surprised how easy to read the topics are. It tackles a lot of interesting and informative information.
If you’re like me struggling in colors or you’re a beginner, this book will truly give you helpful tips. If you’re already in an intermediate or advance level, maybe a refreshers course or you can also pick up few or more things too.
One thing I like about this it is an easy read. Two pages per subject with less words and more visuals… ahh perfect for me, if I may say.

The book discusses colors regardless of your medium. So, you can just take the information you needed and apply it to your medium and style.
If there’s one thing I’d like to add on this though is an output practice. Since it’s not a how-to kind of book, it does show some samples. However, an output artwork that applies the topic would be much helpful too.
Pocket Art Guides: Urban Sketching And Painting.
The second book I bought together with this series is the Urban Sketching And Painting.
This one is something I always wanted to try and learn. I’m always fascinated with urban sketchers and their style of painting.

This book made the subjects such as buildings, transportation and figures less complicated.
Though, I haven’t really tried the techniques yet but as I was scanning the pages, it is pretty much straight forward just like the other book.

If you’ve been following urban sketchers and always admire their style, this book might help you achieve it.
Unlike the first book, this one actually shows few steps how to recreate and apply some topics like how to start drawing a building.
If you want to see more of the pages and know more my thoughts about these books, here’s a book review video I made.
You can find more titles from the this Pocket Art Guides.
You may find these books in National Bookstore and Fully Booked if you’re from the Philippines. But if you want to try online here are the links where you can buy them:
Color Secrets – Book Depository, Amazon
Urban Sketching and Painting – Book Depository, Amazon
I hope this book review inspired you to either hone your skills or learn new things. Books have always been my go to whenever I need references and inspirations whenever I’m stuck. It’s just nice to play around and. pick up some new information that might be useful or just simply trying it out.
I will be adding more book and other art supplies reviews here soon. In the meantime, you can check my Art Supply playlist on Youtube or Art Supply in my blog.