Hello there. Happy Easter. I am on to my 4th art journal spread for this month. Yay! But this one is already 5th on my Art Journal playlist, so sorry to confused you with the title.
Anyway, if you’ve been following along, you’ll know how messy (alright, let’s just be frank – it’s ugly) my previous journal pages were. That’s what happens if you don’t practice.
In this journal spread, I’m quite proud with myself, because first, I just used minimal materials and did it quickly. Second, it looked so clean and pretty, if I may say. I can’t even believe how easy this was.

I think, I got my groove back again when it comes to art journaling. But, still rusty on the drawing part. Then again, art journaling is not about being good at something. It’s about creating and just simply expressing yourself through art.

Art journaling has taught me a lot of things: One, is you don’t need a lot of materials to create something. Two, the only way to hone your skills is to practice. Third, you don’t need to complicate things with everything. All these apply in art and in life.

I like adding quote in my art journal. Although, I didn’t prepare one for this spread, I pulled a quote from the bible journal I’m using from Shanna Noel.
As you’ll see from the video, I made a mistake here again and just covered it with a paper. Which I think, worked out fine. So, again, it’s okay to make mistakes. From there, we also learn how to make use of what we have.
It’s amazing how art journaling taught me things when I thought I was just creating something.

Although, this is not an Easter themed art journal, it has a bible related quote which made it relevant too. But if you wish to make something today, I had a DIY Easter Egg using Sharpie post few years ago.
I’m still thinking, if I can make an Easter card later and share it with you. That is if my son, will cooperate and take his afternoon nap early, lol.

Today, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. May this remind us how He died for us and saved us from our sins. May we take this as a symbol too that all this is happening in our world right now will also end beautifully.
Happy blessed Easter, friends.