3 years of Creativity and a Giveaway

Artisan Life

Last July 8, Artisan Design Studio celebrated it’s 3rd year anniversary. I still couldn’t believe until now that I have come a long way doing creative things. I’m always thankful that I was able to do what I love most.

Everyday I learned new things… every now and then, I’m faced with challenges but the greatest part was I met new friends along the way.

I’m giving away a printable stationery, as my way of saying thank you to all of you. I’m grateful for all your support in my designs, for growing with me and for truly trusting and appreciating my work.


• All you have to do is follow my links: Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; SubscribeThen leave a comment below that you already follow my links.

• The winners can choose one design from any of my stationery templates. Notecards and notepads are included but only 1 design is allowed per winner.

• Chosen template will be send over email on a pdf file with your names or initials in it.

• 3 winners will be chosen on July 21, 2012 {saturday} via Random.org. Entries will be closed on July 20.

*** Giveaway is extended until July 31, 2012. ***

Cheers to the 3-years of creativity and looking forward for more wonderful things to come. To crafting, design and inspirations that will come our way!!!


6 thoughts on “3 years of Creativity and a Giveaway”

  1. Happy 3 years Artisan! Everyday you amuse me. Please continue to inspire us. God bless Artisan, especially you dear April!


  2. Wow! Only 3 years and I can see that you’ve accomplished A LOT! Congratulations! You are one very talented lady. I hope someday I can visit your shop and see you. 🙂 Keep up the good work.

  3. Happy 3rd anniversary! Thank you so much for the generosity of sharing your joy with us!

    Instagram name: babalisme
    Subscriber email : babalisme at yahoo dot com
    FB name: Ning fathia
    Twitter name : babalisme

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