12 by 2012

Artisan Life Happenings

Image from Oh Hello Friend

Updated: I’ll be cross-checking my goals once I’m done with it and will also include the link of my post, so you can see the photo of what I did…

One trait that I’m really not proud of myself is being a procrastinator. I love listing down the things I should do but end up unchecking them most often… Gladly, Danni from Oh Hello Friend {she is one of my great inspiration in blogging by the way}, had this great idea of accomplishing 12 things before 2012 will arrive. The moment I read this, I knew I just had to participate. Of course, I read this days ago, and I’ve proven my being procrastinator once again, by simply doing it just now hahaha!

Here we go… I’ve list down my 12 things and hopefully {really crossing my fingers now} I can keep my word and finish them all:

[1]  Repaint my room

[2]  Make a mood board in my office in the studio

[3]  Design and attached a wall schedule calendar for Artisan

[4]  Update and post new items in my Etsy shop

[5]  Make a creative business venture with my sister and cousin for the Christmas bazaars

[6]  Finish my plan for Artisan website and blog

[7]  Design a website for our coffeeshop Yellow Hauz

[8]  Make a new drink/menu this holiday season for Yellow Hauz

[9]  Change menu board of Yellow Hauz

[10] Lose at least 11 lbs.

[11] Prepare and wrap Christmas gifts before December

[12]  Must decide on or at least settle some personal issues

Okay, so the 12th is quite a little personal and boring actually, but I’ll still include it on my list. Anyway, I would very much appreciate it if you’ll help me on my list by simply asking or pressuring me, haha. Just like the others, I’ll be putting a cross line once I have finished each of them. I can’t believed I have less than 2months for this… oh well… let’s just do it!


4 thoughts on “12 by 2012”

  1. Good luck! I’m with you for all of them except losing weight. Wrong time of year. Plus I just had a chocolate shake with peppermint ice cream. I’d let go of that one, and go for the rest.

    Joy and blessings to you!

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