Watercolor Painting Process: Petunia

Design Projects Fun Stuff

If you’ve been following around, I’ve been posting about my painting process as I was (and still am, actually) doing a 30-day watercolor challenge for myself and I’m using a book as my reference.

If you want to follow along or do the same thing, I’ve listed below the materials I used for the watercolour challenge.

• Watercolor Flower Artist’s Bible book

• Daniel Smith extra fine watercolour

• Escoda Brush

• Grumbacher Watercolor Paper Pad

• Prismacolor Col-erase Brown Pencil

Now, here’s a video of my process. I think I overdid this painting. I’m not really happy about it but again, this challenge is supposedly a practice for me.

I’m slowing improving in video editing. My usual 2-hour edit for a 3-min output now only takes less than a minute, naks! I’m also changing up few things like the music and the intro. Practice makes perfect indeed. Hopefully, sooner or later I’d be able to add more effects.

In the mean time, one more day and it’s already weekend. Yay!


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