Still another crazy week

Artisan Life Happenings

So I thought, last week was my craziest week, but apparently, this week is trying to catch up with the hectic schedule. However, on the otherhand, the events and activities that keep me busy are exciting and interesting, so no complaining but just an overdose of coffee.

Let’s start with the present event… Later today, I’ll be heading to Ayala Abreeza, for a graphic conference, called Graphicon. It’s like the Graphika Manila, where there will be artists, illustrators, etc from different places {Manila and Cebu} will have a prep talk about their work, organized by Cubepixels.

Last night, my studio was totally a mess until 12am as we were preparing these notepads as part of the goodie envelopes. We made 600pcs. for only a day technically. Huh! Told yah it’s a coffee-overdose, but it was fun.

Okay, so now back to the past… last weekend I went to GenSan for a BlogFest 2.0. It was my first time to join a bloggers conference. The speakers were totally great and inspiring. And the best part was, I got so lucky. I won two times.

First from twitting #blogfest… and I got USB flash from SMI {one of their sponsors}.

Second was from the raffle… a pouch from Rags to Riches designed by Rajo Laurel. And goodies from Google too. Am I the lucky girl or what? Oh yes I am… it would have been luckier if I won the plane ticket from AirPhil or an overnight stay in Saranggani Highlands. {Ha-ha, pushing my luck huh! **wink}

Anyway, lastly… off to the future… after a crazy and self-centered activities, it’s time for a spiritual one. Tomorrow, I’ll be attending Kerygma Conference 2011 hosted by Bo Sanchez. I’ve been his fan since I was still in high-school but never get a chance to attend his activities here. But this time, I am so attending it and quite excited to be honest. It’s also my first spiritual activity for this year.

Whew! That was really a lot. Plus I wasn’t able to post about last weekends DavCon’s Christmas Bazaar. Will do later after my event… see you in Abreeza if you’re also attending… I hope the participants will like my cute notebook sampler.


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