Instagram Sunday

Instagram Sunday

Howdy! I’m doing another late post again because I’ve been eating all day yesterday and couldn’t find a fast internet connection in my area… Anyway, I did a little theme for my instagram sunday this time. Just a spur of the moment. First collage is all about friends and family, second one is where I’ve been to and been doing.

{1} Attended Alessa’s watercolor crafternoon in Fully Booked, Boni High Street yesterday. Glad to bond with them again, and accidentally {Mansy-Me-Alessa} were all wearing black. “Thank you for joining Mansy just so we can bond”

{2} Me-Karen-Sandy-Christine: my artisan dolls during the bridal fair. So happy to have supportive cousins and sister.

{3} Heintje was so busy uploading photos and videos of me during my craft demo at Megamall last friday.

{4} Had an impromptu merienda with craft friends. So happy to see them. Wish we could have spent more time.

{5} Saw this uber cute café in San Juan called Le Creperie. Their crepes and hot chocolate-Angelinas are divine.

{6} So I’ve been in Manila for more than 2weeks and during the day, I work. My favorite place was Coffeebean just near my area.

{7} I lived in my Tita’s condo in Fort and this is their poolside.

{8} During the bridal fair, I had a lot of coffee intake. There’s one cozy coffeeshop in SMX called Cafe Bene where I hanged out to release anxiousness.

I’ll be back home today and I’ll be catching up all the deadlines later. Hope I can find time to post more about my activities later. Keep in touch though.


2 thoughts on “Instagram Sunday”

  1. Hi, April! It was nice meeting you last Saturday at the watercolor workshop. I follow you in Instagram and I enjoy looking at your photos there. Just started following your blog and I already lost track of the time browsing your page. Haha… I sooo love your posts. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

    1. Hello ginnie… so nice to meet you… it really made my day when you said you were reading my blog… it’s really good to know someone is reading it, hehehe… hope we can meet again though =)

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