How was your weekend friends? As for me, my family and I just spent the holy weekend at home. I started painting my room too. Yes! I’ve decided what color to use, but let’s talk about that in my next post.
Anyway, every holy week, as far as I remember until now, my grandpa makes this traditional delicacy or kakanin from Ilocos {yup, I’m partly Ilocano} which is called binalay. I really don’t know how to make it, but I believed it’s made of malagkit formed into a rectangular shape then you wrapped it with banana leaf. Latik as sauce is also added once you will eat it. This is better served hot. Naks! I sounded like a food blog, haha.

Every year, a week before holy week, my grandpa and aunts would prepare and make them, then all the family members will have it’s share. During this time, I truly missed my papa as always. He loved participating in the family tradition {as if we have a lot}. So, that’s how we spent our holy weekend. Apparently, I have not joined processions nor attended any masses, but I did made some reflections.
How about you? How did you spent your holy week? Do you also have your own family traditions? I hope