Film roll…


I got addicted to Jack, my lomo cam… It’s actually a little harder than using Oris {my Nikon d40}, it’s inconvenient and expensive. Taking the shots were not as easy as I thought, and the process of going to the mall to have it developed and scanned; the expenses you occur for the film and contact print, whew! All that effort… but it’s all worth it… I tell you.

First film roll was totally experimental. I took this months ago, I was just lazy to post it, hehe… Anyway, Heintje, gave me his old films {luckily, he likes keeping his old things}. It’s a 35mm YKL, though expired, still very much okay to use… then I have it developed in NCCC Mall and here’s the result.

When we went to Tagaytay for our Manila shoot, of course I brought my little baby with me. Heintje {the one holding a camera} also used his beautiful old Mamiya medium format camera {lower right photo}. It’s like we had a film gig, lol. Anyway, he knew an old time developer shop there, so I had this film developed too. Oh I really liked how they developed it and their contact print were very nice too, feels like you’re an old timer photographer, hihi.

After using my expired films, I bought one of the Lomo film bundles-Red scale {available in GMall} for a change. I wanted to try the saturated color film but bought the wrong one. However, I think, it looked okay though…

After 10 rolls, I am still not an expert. I’m still having a hard time taking the right shots. Most of my rolls are overexposed or under exposed until now. My golly… I don’t want to count how much I spent already. But nonetheless, I really find it fun, especially, it’s still not yet popular here in Davao.

Hopefully, after my 12th roll, I’m getting good at it…. and hopefully, I can buy my next lomo cam… I’m eyeing for Lubitel. But for now, I’m truly happy with my little Jack.


4 thoughts on “Film roll…”

  1. Hi April! Nice shots. I still have a lot to read on your past posts! Been busy for the past months e. 🙂 Hope all is well with you. Just want to ask if you use a special program to make those collages? I’ve checked the appstore but I’m still having 2nd thoughts on turbo collage. Can you recommend something? Thanks!

    1. Hello Airees… thanks for dropping by…. =) oh dont buy the turbo collage… google has a free app for collages… I’m using Picasa although, are you using mac? because the link is for mac. I’m not sure if they have for windows… but just look for it lng… Im sure they have… =)

  2. Lubitel? Why not buy a rolleiflex? hehehe…tara let’s get on with film…B&W and let’s make our own darkroom…that’d be coool!

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