Christmas Handmade Craft: DIY Calendar Gift and Recycled Gift Wrap


I have to say, gift wrapping is really not my thing, despite I love packages. Anyway, since this season, I’m experiencing a little financial crisis, I’ve thought of something handmade, less costly and yet still crafty for my gifts and gift wraps.

Manila paper has been one of my favorite materials in gift wrapping, even last year. It’s cheap, and yet you can do so much with it. So here’s how I did my wrapping for this season. I just used basic colors like white and brown but I added blue to brighten it up.

Materials for Gift:

• Printable Calendar from The Tiny Fig or from my Christmas Handmade Crafts Calendar: My Owl Barn

• Chip Board and Spring binder {optional}, otherwise used a paper clip or clam

Materials for Gift Wrap:

• Manila Paper

Patterned paper or from Gift-wrap it

• Yarn

• Used plain paper

• Scissors, adhesive tape and stickers

• Polymer clays for embellishments or Metal Charms or Beads

How to:

• Download and print the calendars on a cardstock.

• If you have a spring-binder, make a stand using a chipboard and bind them together, but this is optional. You can also use a clip to bind them all.

{1} Wrapped like a belt a recycled plain white {or colored} paper and sealed it with a  custom or a nice sticker.

{2} Use Manila paper to wrapped the whole calendar.

{3} Use patterned paper to make another belt on to the craft paper.

{4} Wrapped the yarn 3-4 times to emphasize the color on to your gift.

{5} I recycled the polymer clay samples from Le Blanchette as an embellishment. You can also use metal charms

And viola! My gifts for this holiday season. I also used plain white paper for the belt and combined brown and blue yarn on one gift.

Less is definitely more. I wonder how you did your gift wrapping this year? I do wish I gave you an idea with my simple style. Do let me know if you did yours differently.


4 thoughts on “Christmas Handmade Craft: DIY Calendar Gift and Recycled Gift Wrap”

  1. Hi April! That looks soooo pretty 😀 I haven’t wrapped my gifts yet but I already bought Manila paper din. it does the trick and it’s cheaper than kraft/brown paper 😀

    1. Hello Reg. Thanks for dropping by. I was so happy to see your blog again. I agree with you, manila paper can save a little from the christmas budget.

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