I’m back and quite busy…

Artisan Life Happenings

Hello friends…. I’m finally back from a long trip to HongKong. And boy, I was eager to share some photos but the internet in our place was inconsistent. Although, having no internet gave me a lot of time thinking and planning for my blog posts and for the holiday season. That’s why I’m so glad to be back in blogging again despite the body pain and unrecovered aching feet from walking, plus the never-ending to-do pending list.

This lovely photo is from Carl Christensen

Anyway, I’ve planned a Christmas handmade crafts all throughout until Christmas, so keep coming back as I will be posting various ideas for this holiday season starting tomorrow.

I also have some updates from my 12 by 2012 post, that I’ll be sharing tomorrow as well. I’m anxious to cross line one of them because that means I’m being productive at least one at a time though. This is also in relation with this upcoming weekend as I’ll be joining a Christmas bazaar in Marco Polo Davao,  so if you’re in town, it would be great to see you there.


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